Cameroon Revolution is a network of Cameroonians and Friends of Cameroon whose vision is a prosperous, just and democratic Cameroon.
We consider the departure of Paul Biya and his tyrannical and despotic regime as a crucial and non negotiable part for that Cameroon the majority of us have been desiring for decades.
In this regard, Cameroon Revolution is not another organisation or movement, but a platform for all country-loving compatriots, associations, organisations, civil society, all friends of Cameroun and so on, both in Cameroon and abroad, to express themselves, come together and join forces to form a unified force and a strong revolutionary movement.
Here you voice your opposition to tyranny, dictatorship and oppression that have caused so much death and destruction of lives and livelihoods in our beloved Country. Here you join all patriots and groups who share the determination to take charge of our own destiny, in our own hands.
We have no condition, no procedure and no fees for adhesion. In fact we even have no president, no director and no other form of leadership. It is the revolution of each of us; so each of us is in charge; each of us shall take the lead. You can just indicate your belonging to the united movement by setting the slogan (Cameroon Revolution - Let's go Together) beside your name or the name of your group in your communications, presentations, web pages, etc. if you want to; however, you are not required to do so. Please invite us and the others to join and support your activities. And please join and support the activities of others whenever you can.
Together, we demand the resignation of the dictator Paul Biya. We demand sovereign, strong, independent and transparent democratic institutions. We strongly believe in the capabilities of Cameroon and Africa in general to successfully compete with the rest of the world and have their place and say within the international community. We call for us to take total and complete responsibility and charge of our situation, faith and destiny; of our socio-political, economical, scientific and technological development; in fact, of all our affairs.
We call on all patriots and groups to respect, accept and tolerate the differences in details, strategies, methods and activities used by other groups; this diversity may actually promote our strength. Let's accept and forgive ours and others' errors; that is human nature. Above all, we have the common ultimate goal described above. So, let's go together; united we are strong; YES WE WILL PREVAIL! "YES WE CAN"!
WE ARE ONE! Long live the revolution, long live Cameroon, long live Africa!
Cameroon Revolution
Let's Go Together